Friday, June 10, 2011

Is SOLAR really increasing our Hydro bills???

Renewable energy is taking a beating in the press lately, misinformation is being reported and repeated by those who have an interest
in non renewable energy.

Scan_ 0001 is the Ontario Power Authority's proposed energy supply by 2030. Please note that solar only represents 1.5% of the
mix by 2030, how can it be blamed for the increase in your hydro bill when it represents less than 0.4% today???????

We are foolish and insane to continue pooping in our nest as we have for the past 150 years. The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster are recent examples of our fallibility.

We have come to a most important juncture. Our population has multiplied exponentially, we have used up most of our planet's resources
and have created so much pollution that new diseases are showing up everywhere. We are on a destructive path and soon the planet will become uninhabitable for humans or beasts. If Global warming doesn't get us our bad habits will.

The time for change is now and we are up to it if we commit to truth, transparency and a determined focus to improve the state of
the world for us and future generations.

Technologies are available today; see "Suppressed technologies";  to replace oil, gas and nuclear and that is
without any innovations which will undoubtedly develop as we commit to a better future. Many of these technologies have been
suppressed because they threaten those who benefit from keeping us trapped in a cycle of wars and economic crisis thus profiting
from the suffering of the masses in the interest of a few.

Free energy is available all around us in the form of flowing waters (hydro power), sunlight (solar), wind (wind turbines), in the
ground (geothermal heating and cooling) and fuels made from many sources including methane made from feces and food waste
(bio digestion), and algae (not from corn) Ethanol . These are only a few of the existing alternatives, many others are being
developed and improved.

Hydro: The hydro power tunnel in Niagara Falls broke through on May 13th. 2011
Quebec derives 94% of it's power from water and they are the first province to put a moratorium on nuclear. Ontario has 90% of nuclear
plants (20) in Canada yet the only moratorium is on offshore wind turbines. 

Solar: 175 kW installation on barn roofs in Cobden, ON (IMG_0313) this farm also includes a 500 kW bio digester making methane gas
from cow manure and restaurant wastes. The solar systems on pedestals (IMG_0361) are 2 axis 10 kW tracking systems which can provide power for 2 homes if they were using energy efficiently. The cost of solar will continue to fall, we will be able to buy solar panels at $1 per
watt soon, they sell for $3 or more at the present.

Solar Thermal: heats water very effictively and can do it throughout the year. Most households will profit from installing a solar thermal
system on their roof or property (IMG_0730) is a commercial solar thermal system.

Wind: turbines are becoming more and more efficient bringing down the cost of power. (PA210020) photo of a few of the hundreds of
wind turbines producing Safe Green Renewable energy while earning money for cash strapped Ontario farmers in South Western Ontario.
Take a Sunday ride along Hwy 3 on the shores of Lake Erie from Blenheim to Leamington to see how the Green Energy Act and Fit program are benefiting our farmers and creating employment.

Fuel: future transportation will not use so called fossil fuels as existing suppressed technologies are employed. Fuels such as Biogas made
from our waste products including mining existing garbage dumps, Water based fuels which supply Hydrogen as we drive, Compressed air
transportation, Ethanol made from algae instead of corn Magnetic energy reaching nearly perpetual motion efficiency and many others being held very close to the chest until the environment becomes more welcoming.

Geothermal: The earth holds a tremendous source of savings for heating and cooling our homes and businesses (IMG_9791 & IMG_9889)
are an example of a geothermal system installation in a 10,000 sq. ft. home that has improved the family's wellbeing and saves them 75%
of their energy costs.

LED lighting: reduces energy use by up to 90% and LED's last a minimum of 50,000 hours making them extremely efficient and cost
effective. Why are compact florescent bulbs being promoted instead when they have been proven to cause negative health responses?
In B.C. a grant system encourages the population to install LED's why not in Ontario?    

It seems that those forming future policies lack foresight, are living in the middle ages and have little faith in our ingenuity.
We are placing our future in the hands of those who lack vision and are blinded by the influence of the corrupt energy merchants.

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