Friday, May 13, 2011

Stop Darlington Declaration -URGENT PLEASE SIGN -

Please help build a safe, affordable and green electricity system in Ontario by having your organization, association, or friends, and family endorse the Darlington Declaration.
Please add your voice to those opposing the construction of new reactors in Ontario and working for a greener Ontario.

You can find and endorse the Darlington Declaration here:

As you are probably aware, the Ontario government’s plan to build new reactors will block the long-term expansion of safer green energy options, create radioactive wastes and
impose Fukushima-type accident risks on Canadian society for generations.

This is unacceptable when we have safe and affordable options.

By adding your voice to others opposing new reactors at Darlington, we can collectively tell our political leaders that We Choose Green Energy.

If you’d like to learn more about the hazards of building new reactors at Darlington or updates on the work to stop Darlington, please visit
If you have questions about the Declaration, please feel free to
contact me at:

Thanks for your support building a greener future

Choose Green Energy: Please Sign The Darlington Declaration

1 comment:

  1. Brad Duguid, Ontario's Energy Minister
    stated on the Agenda May 18th. that Ontario's nukes are as safe as safe could be.

    If that is the case we should ask him to remove the liability cap of $75 million and make the industry responsible for all damages in case of an accident. Canadian tax payers back up the nuclear industry with government guaranteed loans and liability costs beyond $75 million.
    Other questions may be: Who pays for the storing of nuclear waste for up to 1 million years and where. How much will it cost to decommission the 20 reactors in Ontario which will be too old to use in the next 30 years and where will the funds come from?

    Robert C. Azzopardi
